- Aslanov I.A., Kotov A.A. ‘Waves’ and ‘Flashes’ of the Pandemic: how the COVID-19 Metaphors in Russian Media Influence Reasoning. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies. 2022. no. 2, pp.13-27.
- Aslanov IA, Sudorgina YV and Kotov AA (2022) The Explanatory Effect of a Label: Its Influence on a Category Persists Even If We Forget the Label. Front. Psychol. 12:745586. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.745586
- Aslanov I.A., Sudorgina Yu.V., Kotov A.A. Influence of Category Label and Metaphor on Judgments About Mental Disorder Characteristics. Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2020. Vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 48–61. doi:10.17759/cpse.2020090304.
- Kotov A.A., Zherdeva M.P. Nameability of spatial locations and category learning in children. The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science, 2020.
- Charkhabi, M., Khalezov, E., Kotova, T., S Baker, J., Dutheil, F., & Arsalidou, M. (2019). School engagement of children in early grades: Psychometric, and gender comparisons. PloS one, 14(11), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225542
- Kotov A., Kotova T. (2018) The Role of Different Types of Labels in Learning Statistically Dense and Statistically Sparse Categories. The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science, 2018, vol. 5(3), pp. 56–67.
- Arsalidou M., Sharaev M., Kotova T. and Martynova O. (2017). Brain areas associated with executive and default-mode are not negatively related in children. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11:13. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00013
- Kotova, T., Kotov, A., & Arsalidou M. (submitted) Pre-schoolers do not always overimitate: overimitation as acquisition of shared action. Child Development. [PDF]
- Kotova T.N., Kotov A.A. (2015) The role of referential intention as a component of joint attention in object-label association and shared knowledge acquisition. The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science. Vol. 2 (4), pp. 4-11.
- Kotov, A.A., Kotova, T.N., & Vlasova, E.F. (2015) Preschoolers inductive selectivity as a function of implicit and conceptual learning. Higher School of Economics Research PaperNo. WP BRP 38/PSY/2015. [PDF]
- Kotova, T.N., Yudina, T.O. & Kotov, A.A. (2014) The influences of intentionality and effectiveness of adults’ behavior on infants’ imitation of object-related actions. The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science. Vol. 1 (1–2), pp. 39–53. [PDF]
- Kotova, T. N. (2014) Demonstration of action with a new object to a child: information about the device or about the method of its use? Experimental Psychology (Russia). Vol. 7 (3). [PDF – In Russian, with abstract in English]
- Kotov, A.A., Vlasova, E.F., & Kotova, T.N. (2014) How children acquire meaning of the word that is beyond their direct perception: a hypothesis on social, language and conceptual experience interaction. Cultural?-historical psychology. Vol.10 (2), pp. 50-57 [PDF – In Russian, with abstract in English]
- Kotov, A.A. & Kotova, T.N. (2013) Object Name Pronunciation and the Categorizing Effect of Perception. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. Vol. 3(10), pp. 75-86. [PDF – In Russian]
- Kotov, A.A., Bogacheva, E.V. & Vlasova, E.F. (2012) Generalization of the meanings of new words by 4-6 year old children on the basis of dynamic features. Experimental Psychology (Russia). Vol. 5(1), pp. 107-118 [PDF – In Russian, with abstract in English]
- Kotov, A., Kotova, T. (Sep 15-16, 2016) Words activate categorization even before the category forming task has been offered. Poster to be presented at the workshop “Linking social effects in language processing to social effects in language evolution”. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.[Poster]
- Kotova, T., Kotov, A., Shamanova, S. (Sep 15-16, 2016) The Role of Referential Intention in a Word Learning and Generalization: the Label-Object Association and the Shared Knowledge Acquisition. Poster to be presented at the workshop “Linking social effects in language processing to social effects in language evolution”. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.[Poster]
- Belyaeva, V., Kotov, A. (Sep 15-16, 2016) Enhancing the effect of categorical perception by means of conceptual combinations. Poster to be presented at the workshop “Linking social effects in language processing to social effects in language evolution”. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
- Kotova T.N., & Kotov A.A. (January, 2016) The role of referential intention and other joint attention content in a word learning: the label-object association and the shared knowledge acquisition. Presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development. [Presentation]
- Kotov, A.A., & Kotova, T.N. (2015, January) Labels help preschoolers to memorize additional information about category, but only for global features based categories. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development. [Poster PDF]
- Kotov A.A., & Vlasova E.F. (2014, December) A hypothesis of strategic influence of words on categorial perception. Cognitive Control, Communication and Perception Workshop: Psychological and Neurobiological Aspects. Moscow, Russia. [Poster PDF]
- Kotov, A.A., & Kotova, T.N. (2014, September). The effect of language on category learning: word presence changes the way of collecting the categorical information. 22nd Annual meeting European Society for Philosophy & Psychology. Noto, Italy.
- Kotov, A.A., & Kotova, T.N. (2014, July). The role of categorization experience in the induction strategies and in the generalization development of in infancy. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. Berlin, Germany. [Poster PDF]
- Vlasova, E.F., Kotov, A.A., & Kotova, T.N (2014, May). Words activate concept formation in adults and children even before this task has been offered. VI. Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science: Language and Conceptual Development. Croatia, Dubrovnik. [Poster PDF]
- Kotov, A.A., & Kotova, T.N (2014, May). Preschoolers conceptual flexibility as a function of implicit and conceptual learning. Paper presented at the 3rd International conference on implicit learning, St. Petersburg, Russia. [Presentation PDF]
- Kotova, T.N., & Kotov, A.A. (2014, May). The getting of child’s attention to the act of naming as referential cue and as joint experience information. Poster presented at the 3rd international conference on implicit learning, St. Petersburg, Russia. [Poster PDF]
- Kotov, A.A, & Kotova, T.N. (2014, January). Preschoolers conceptual flexibility as function of associative and conceptual learning. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development.
- Kotova, T.N., & Kotov, A.A. (2014, January). The getting of child’s attention to the act of naming as referential cue and as joint experience information. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development.
- Kotov, A.A, Kotova, T.N., & Vlasova, E.F. (2013, July-August) Words activate categorization even before the category forming task has been offered. 35th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany. [Poster PDF]
- Kotova, T.N., Vlasova, E.F., & Kotov, A.A (2013, July) Only joint actions with related objects induce to taking the object labels as conventional. Joint Action Meeting (JAM), Berlin, July 26- 29 2013. [Poster PDF]
- Vlasova, E.F., Kotov, A.A., & Kotova, T.N. (2013, January). Functional relation between objects leads to taking their legend names as conventional. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development.
- Kotova T.N., Yakubov A.D. (2013, January). The verbal and schematic markers in overimitation effect. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development.
- Kotov, A.A., & Vlasova, E.F. (2012, January). The young childrenʼs sensitivity to the communicative context as a trigger for grasping new words from the adult speech. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development. [Poster PDF]
- Vlasova, E.F., & Kotov, A.A. (2012, January). What helps children to acquire new object names on the basis of unobservable information? Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development. [Poster PDF]
- Kotova T., Shagynyan S. (2012, January). Is it resulting or intentional action that young children tend to imitate? Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development.